Monday, June 1, 2015

Common task #1

For my common task, I worked with Anthony. Together we created an app that was about roman mythology. We researched different Greek and roman goods and compared and contrasted them. While we both did the research Anthony was the one who actually created the app but I helped with the design and with the layout.

Both roman and Greek mythology has been around for over 500 years. While they are similar in some ways, the are very different. Each religion worships different gods with different names and with different things they control. In roman mythology, they disregarded life and they mainly focused on after life. Their gods praised the afterworld and promised security and serenity. In Greek mythology, their gods were more geared toward life here on earth. Their gods focused on war heroes and warlords. In the ideas of roman mythology, life was usually disregarded while in Greek mythology, they actually praised these ideas.

The other main difference between the two religious groups was that in roman mythology, they did not give their gods nor their characters physical traits. They left of up to the reader and the believer to decide what the God looked like. They could make them look however they would like. In Greek mythology, they were very detail oriented. They all had one idea of what each God looked like. Each God was depicted in a certain way and that was how they believed them to look.

This is the link to the app:

Unfortunately you can not download the app because it would violate the terms and conditions of the contract that Anthony has with Apple.

Works Cited

"Roman vs Greek." Encyclopedia Mythica:. N.p., n.d.
"Greek Gods vs Roman Gods." - Difference and Comparison. N.p., n.d.
Pope, Stephanie. Cambridge Latin Course, Unit 2. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2001. Print.

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